Understanding the basic dynamic on earth

The basic dynamic on earth can be described as the relationship between human beings and higher awareness, the beings of higher awareness. This is guided by the Law of Free Will. The beings of higher awareness do have the power to change every condition on earth, to remove all imperfections, all darkness, all evil and all war. The beings of higher awareness have the power to do this, but they do not have the authority because free will reigns supreme. That means the free will of human beings in embodiment must be allowed to outplay itself until people have had enough and do indeed change their consciousness. 

The force that does not respect free will

There is a force on earth that does not respect free will, the free will of human beings. This force attempts to manipulate human beings in all ways possible, based on deceit, based on raw force, based on any scheme you can imagine. Because free will reigns supreme, the beings of higher awareness cannot step in and override the efforts of these manipulators. The beings of higher awareness are not allowed to do this, even though the manipulators are violating the free will of human beings. This is because even though the manipulators are manipulating and deceiving human beings, they are not truly violating the Law of Free Will. You cannot be manipulated or deceived, unless you make a choice to allow this to happen because you are not willing to take full responsibility for your own life or your own situation. It is, therefore, the lack of willingness to take full responsibility that has created the dark force and that allows it to remain on earth. Talking about a dark force causes many of the more aware people to immediately reject this, or at least be very reluctant to look at it. This is, in fact, one of the main reasons why this dark force remains on earth. 

Taking responsibility for yourself—and the whole

When you look at humankind, you can clearly see that there are many who are very far from the point where they are able and willing to take responsibility for their lives. These people will not change the earth. They will not change the basic dynamic that will allow the beings of higher awareness to step in and remove major problems, such as war. Who can bring about a change on earth? Only those who have risen to a higher level of awareness where they are beginning to take responsibility for themselves. There are many of these people who have started to take responsibility for themselves as individuals, but they have not come to the point where they are willing to look beyond themselves and their own situation. They have, sort of, isolated and insulated themselves from the world and from the things that are going on in the world. They do not really want to look at certain problems, such as the problem of war. 

They want to believe that, as long as they sit there in their ashrams or their communities or even in their individual homes and focus on the positive, focus only on positive vibrations, then they are making a contribution to improving the world. They are indeed making a contribution, but they are not making the maximum contribution that they could be making if they would step up to a higher sense of responsibility. 

You will not truly change the earth by only focusing on yourself and raising your own consciousness. This is because of the nature of free will and the nature of energy. Humankind has created a downward energy spiral where people are feeding fear-based energy, such as anger and hatred, into a vortex that has become so strong that it can overpower individual people. This you cannot change by only changing your own consciousness. 

Those who are the more aware people on earth cannot change the basic dynamic on earth only by focusing on raising their own consciousness. It is necessary to look beyond yourself and to take responsibility for the planet as a whole, for humanity as a whole. If you will not do this, then you will continue to make a contribution by producing love-based vibrations, but this contribution will not reach a level where it will have a decisive impact on the future of this planet. It will not reach a level that will allow the beings of higher awareness to step in and remove major problems, such as war. 

How you can and cannot remove war

The energy vortexes that drive war are so powerful that even if all of the more aware people on earth raised their own consciousness, it would not be enough to consume these energy vortexes. If all of the people on earth shifted into sending out only positive vibrations, even this would not be enough to consume the vortexes of war. Only the power of the beings of higher awareness can consume these vortexes. Human beings do not have the power to do this alone. That is why Jesus, 2,000 years ago, said: “With men this is impossible, but not with God, for with God – higher awareness – all things are possible.” 

Human beings alone cannot remove war from planet earth. Only by working with the beings of higher awareness can war be removed. They need us to give them the authority to use the power that they have. How do you give them the authority? Not by sitting in your own ivory tower and focusing on yourself and raising your own consciousness. You give them the authority only by looking beyond yourself, taking an honest and open look at what is happening on this planet, understanding the dynamic of why war was created and how it can continue. Then you make the appropriate calls that will give the beings of higher awareness the authority and the energy to multiply so that they can step in and remove war and other major problems. 

Looking at darkness without giving it power

There are many well-meaning people in spiritual, mystical and New Age movements and in religious movements. They have the best of intentions, but they have come to believe that they do not need to look at anything dark or evil. Some have even come to believe that if they look at darkness they reinforce it, they give it power. It is important that you understand why this is not the case, or rather, it is important that you understand how to look at darkness without giving it power. 

There are many spiritual people who are focusing on raising their own consciousness while refusing to look at anything dark or evil, while refusing to look at any problems. There is also a certain segment of spiritual people who have passed this point. They have become willing to look at the darkness, but they have not yet transcended some of the matrices of their own egos. 

As they look at the darkness, they go into a spiral of anger. They have what they themselves call “righteous indignation,” but it is not righteous in the sense that it is based on non-attachment. They are very much attached to producing a specific result, such as defeating the dark forces or removing them from the earth. Through this attachment, that leads to anger, you will give power to dark forces. It is very true, as many of the more gentle spiritual people have realized, that if you engage in a fight against darkness that is based on anger, then you will give power to darkness. This is, of course, not the only way to look at darkness. 

You can step up to a higher way where you have transcended anger, and therefore, you can look at the darkness with non-attachment. You can realize that you, as a human being, do not have to fight darkness. You allow the beings of higher awareness to do the work, and you allow them to do it their way based on their higher vision. Your job is to have enough information so that you know how to make precise calls for specific situations. You make those calls, and then you allow the beings of higher awareness to decide how to do the actual work. 

There has never been a war in heaven

There are images in the collective consciousness of this planet, starting with the Bible but also with some of the Eastern scriptures, of how, supposedly, angels fight the devil and his forces. There are the images from the Book of Revelation of how there was a war in heaven where Michael and his angels fought the dragon, and the dragon prevailed not and was cast down into the earth. These are images that were given at a time when the collective consciousness was even lower than it is today. 

There has never been a war in heaven. The origin of the manipulators did not occur in heaven but in a previous sphere that was not yet ascended. Archangel Michael has never fought the devil as you see fighting today on earth and have seen it throughout history. The beings of higher awareness do not need to fight the devil and the dark forces. They only need to bring their light, and the light itself either consumes or judges the dark forces. They do not engage the dark forces at their level. We do not engage in a dualistic struggle. Once you begin to understand this, you can also step up to that level where you are aware of the darkness but you are neutral. 

Overcoming the fear of looking at darkness

There are many well-meaning people who are focusing on raising their own consciousness, while thinking they should not focus on the darkness because it gives power to the darkness. They think they are being loving, they think they are focusing on love. If you are not willing to look at the darkness, there can be only one explanation. You are afraid to look at the darkness. Fear and love are incompatible emotions. You cannot be fully loving while having fear in your subconscious mind, in your energy field, in your four lower bodies. Many of these people would say that they are entirely loving, that they are always focusing on the positive, always being loving and kind. 

Those of you who are open to a higher teaching can, perhaps, begin to see that human beings have a very unique ability. They have the ability to compartmentalize their minds. They have an ability to create two or more divisions in their minds and to switch between them without being consciously aware of the switch. When they are in one compartment of the mind, or one personality as you might call it, they are acting as that personality. Then they switch to another personality, and now they are acting like that personality without seeing the discrepancy or the contradiction between the two. This is what allows people to believe that they are fully loving while having unrecognized vortexes of fear in their subconscious minds. 

There are some of the more aware people who have started to awaken from this state. They have been willing to look at the dark forces, but they have been caught in a spiral of anger. Fear is a paralyzing emotion. When you are completely trapped in fear, you cannot move, you cannot do anything. There are people who are trapped in fear and who know they are living in fear. They are conscious of their fear. There are also people who are trapped by fear and they are not conscious. Some of these people are spiritual and religious people who think that, by being loving and kind, they are doing all they need to do to improve things on earth. You will not truly improve things on earth without looking at and overcoming your own fear. 

Overcoming anger against darkness

As you begin to overcome fear, it is possible that you need to go through a phase where you have a certain amount of anger. When you have been trapped in the paralyzing state of fear, it is often necessary to have anger as the drive to get you to start moving. It is sometimes better that people are moving in any direction than when they are standing still. The more aware people can quickly come to see that anger should be a very short phase on your path. It is absolutely necessary that you move out of anger as quickly as possible. Even though you are moving, you are not moving in a direction that will allow you to have the maximum impact on the future of this planet. You will not improve things on earth as long as you allow vortexes of anger in your energy field. 

You need to be willing to look at this and use the many tools available for overcoming such matrices. This will allow you to quickly move through this phase and overcome the anger. You can begin to look at darkness without engaging in these angry or hateful feelings or without having an attachment to a specific outcome where you feel that some epic goal must be attained. 

Dare to follow your inner knowing

How do you have the greatest impact on the future of this planet? Why do you want to have the greatest impact? Consider one of the most peculiar mechanisms that you are exposed to as you grow up almost anywhere on earth. Why are you a more aware or spiritual person? Many will say they have grown up in a spiritual or religious environment. They have been exposed to certain spiritual teachings and ideas. That is not why you are a more aware person who is open to the teachings of higher awareness.

You can be a more aware person only because you sense and know something inside yourself. You sense and know something that is beyond what you have been told from without, perhaps even in direct contradiction to what you were told as you were growing up. You are daring to follow your inner knowing, rather than the outer programming that you have received. 

The peculiar mechanism that we are talking about is that most people have been brought up in an environment that strongly discourages them from listening to and following their inner knowing, their intuitive sense of what is right and what is their goal in life. There are today millions of more aware people on earth who have come into this embodiment with the higher knowing that they have reached a level on the path where they have the potential to serve in various capacities for bringing about positive change on this planet. 

They had this awareness before they came into embodiment. This does not mean you have this awareness now or that you had it during your childhood. One reason is that you have a certain forgetfulness that happens to most people as they come into the density of the body and the outer mind. Another important reason is the programming from society and the environment that encourages you to override your intuitive knowing. In order to become a more aware person who is open to a higher teaching, you have learned to override the programming and again tune in to your inner knowing. You may not have fully overcome the programming. You may not have fully unlocked your inner knowing or dared to listen to it. If you are one of the people who believe you only need to focus on the positive, then you have not overcome the programming from the world. The entire idea that you can be a more aware person and make a contribution to improving the world without looking at anything negative or evil is indeed a programming created by the manipulators in order to prevent the more aware people from fulfilling their highest potential. The idea that when you look at dark forces, you need to go into anger, even righteous indignation, and attempt to fight these forces is also created by the manipulators for the purpose of preventing aware people from fulfilling their highest potential. The dark forces do not want to lose the grip they have on humanity and this planet. This you need to acknowledge consciously. 

Explaining the senselessness of war

Just cast a glance back at human history. Look at the many wars that have taken place on this planet. There are hundreds if not thousands of wars in which thousands, tens of thousands, millions of people have been killed. When you look at this in history, can you honestly believe that such a phenomenon could come about for any kind of rational, human reason? 

There are historians who point to various factors, be they economic, political or sociological, as the cause of war. Can you honestly believe that a phenomenon as senseless as war could be caused by sensible, rational reasons? Do you really believe that all the fighting you have seen in the world, and see today, happens by people who are completely rational and who think that going out and indiscriminately murdering men, women and children serves some rational purpose? This is not here asking you to contemplate the cause of war because we will go into that later. It is just asking you to consider whether war can be explained in completely rational terms. 

When you look at some of the things that are happening in the world today, such as the things going on in Ukraine, Africa or in Syria or other parts of the Middle East, can you not see that there is a certain element of fanaticism that drives some of these people who are going out and killing or raping women or children? Can you honestly say that fanaticism is rational? Can you agree that it cannot be rational? These people are not in a rational frame of mind. 

Then, consider how it is possible for human beings to be in a non-rational frame of mind where they are not open to any kind of rational arguments? They are driven by motives that they do not fully understand, and they have not contemplated the consequences of their actions. Reach back to the statement that human beings have the ability to compartmentalize their lives. Do you understand that there are many examples from history of people who have gone to war and killed and then come home and lived a seemingly normal life? 

Take one of the generally recognized examples of fanaticism, namely the Nazi concentration camps. Do you realize that some of the leaders of these concentration camps would go to work during the day and oversee the killing of millions of people, including children, and then at night, they would come home to their families and be exemplary parents to their own children? They would see no discrepancy or contradiction between the personality they had during the day, that allowed them to kill children without reflecting upon it, and then the personality they went into at night of adoring their own children. 

When you look at this, can you not see that there must be an explanation here that defies the common knowledge prompted by the thought systems of this world, be they materialistic, scientific or religious in origin? When you acknowledge this, then you need to look for an explanation that goes beyond the normal. The explanation is that there is a dark force on this planet, which has the ability to take over the minds of individual human beings, even groups of human beings. It is this force that blinds people to the fact that they have two or more incompatible personalities or action patterns in their minds. It is this force that causes people to go into the fanatical state of mind where they are willing to kill without reflecting upon the fact that they are killing other human beings. 

Human beings cannot kill other human beings

A human being cannot kill another human being. This is because the human body has a certain programming in the brain and nervous system. This programming forms what we might call the outer mind or the physical mind. It is programmed, much like what you see in animals, to secure the survival of both the individual and the race. This means that human beings are programmed not to kill others of their own species. This is not a programming that is rational or reflective in any way. There is a programming that causes you to know that it is not right to kill other human beings. This programming is in the physical body, the brain and the nervous system. 

It takes quite a lot to override this programming and get people into a state of mind where they indiscriminately kill human beings without consciously acknowledging what they are doing. Only a force that is more powerful than the individual, or even more powerful than certain groups of people, can override the programming not to kill. Surely, there are many explanations for why people have felt it was justified to kill certain other groups of people. These we will talk about later, but for now, consider that the only explanation for the fanatical killing that you see and have seen, is that there is a force – let us call it a dark force – that overrides the free will of human beings and overrides even the deepest programming not to kill. 

Understanding who can remove war

If there is ever going to be a state where war has been removed from planet earth, then it can come about only because the dark force that promotes war has been removed from planet earth. The removal of this dark force cannot be produced by human beings. They do not have the power. The removal of this dark force can be accomplished very easily by the beings of higher awareness. They do have the power. 

The beings of higher awareness could remove the dark forces on earth instantly, if they had enough authority from human beings. What human beings have is the authority, and by giving the beings of higher awareness the authority – and by giving them a certain amount of energy they can multiply – then this can remove the forces of war from planet earth. This cannot be done by you being positive and thinking “It’s all good.” When you look at the atrocities that are being committed, you cannot honestly say that all is good on this planet. 

The more aware people need to awaken themselves to the reality that change needs to happen and that change is not going to be brought about by you staying in fear where you think being loving and kind is enough. Neither is change going to happen by you staying in anger where you think you have to be judgmental of dark forces, where you think you have to fight them, either physically or in some spiritual battle. If you use prayers or spiritual tools from a state of anger, then they will not have the necessary effect. They may indeed, in the long run, open you up to the very dark forces that you think you are fighting. Consider stepping up to a higher level of responsibility. 

Awareness without attachment

Those who think “It’s all good” have taken responsibility for themselves, but they have not taken responsibility beyond themselves, even though they think they are serving to save the world. Those who are in anger have started to take responsibility for the planet as a whole and for the existence of dark forces, but they have not actually taken the higher sense of responsibility. That is because they think they have to fight the dark forces. 

The higher form of responsibility is where you realize the dynamic explained. You, as a human being in embodiment, have the authority to allow the beings of higher awareness to remove the dark forces. You do not have the authority to go out and fight these dark forces. When a human being in embodiment begins to fight anything, you are only serving to produce energy that sustains the dark forces. The higher sense of responsibility is where you realize that you do not have the power or the responsibility for fighting or removing dark forces. Your responsibility is to educate yourself to the existence of dark forces, to their methods, to how they are manipulating and using human beings, and then you do two things: 

The Omega aspect is that you may share this with other people in an appropriate, non-attached manner. 

The Alpha aspect is that you give the calls to the beings of higher awareness, also in a non-attached manner, that allows them to step in. 

This is your highest responsibility. It is awareness without attachment that is the highest way to fulfill your reason for coming into embodiment. You came here because you had a true desire to help raise this planet to a higher level. Before you came, you did not have an attachment. You had a true desire, but it was a non-attached desire. 

Transcending fear and anger

What has happened to many people is that because you are now in embodiment, because you have seen or even personally experienced the atrocities that take place on this planet, you go into a state of mind of being attached. You may still have some memory and awareness of your desire to make a difference, but you become attached. You do this in an attached way with great emotional involvement, in terms of fear, anger or other feelings. You may call it “righteous indignation” if you like, but it is still a fear-based emotion. You will not fulfill your highest potential and responsibility until you transcend that emotion. 

How will you transcend fear and anger? By realizing that there is nothing to fear because the beings of higher awareness do have the power to remove all darkness and evil from the earth. There is no reason to be angry because, if you give them the authority and the energy, then they will step in and do the work. Anger often comes because you have started to move out of the paralysis of fear, but you still feel disempowered to produce the results you think you need to produce. Anger is overcome when you, first of all, consider whether the results you think need to be produced are the highest possible results. Then, when you have a realistic assessment of the goal, you can begin to see that by working with the beings of higher awareness, it is indeed possible to achieve the goal. Therefore, you do not need to feel frustrated or disempowered. 

How you can help the beings of higher awareness

The beings of higher awareness have the power to remove all darkness instantly. This will give you the realistic assessment of their power. Of course, that power must and will be expressed within the context of the Law of Free Will. It would never be possible that there would be an instant shift in the consciousness of seven billion people on earth so that they could remove war instantly. 

Removing war is a process because it is not a matter of producing the outer result of removing war. The real, underlying dynamic is to raise people’s state of consciousness. War will not be removed from this earth until a critical mass of people have transcended the consciousness that made war possible. This is a process that will not happen instantly.

It cannot be forced on people from without. It must happen gradually by people raising their consciousness and having these intuitive breakthroughs and shifts in their consciousness where they gradually transcend the consciousness they are in right now. You may say: “But then, what is the purpose?” What is it that I am supposed to do for the beings of higher awareness? 

The dark forces do not respect the free will of human beings. They have used various means, which we will talk about later, to overpower people’s minds so that they are not exercising their free will. This has been possible because people have not been willing to take responsibility for themselves, and that is why the dark forces could even come to this planet. 

The basic dynamic is that you, as a more aware person who has started to awaken from the collective state of mind, have the right and the authority to call for the beings of higher awareness to reduce the power of the dark forces. By reducing the power of these dark forces, they will no longer be able to blind people. This means that people will now gradually move into a state where they can see things that they could not see while they were overpowered by the dark forces. People can now begin to actually exercise their free will freely. They can exercise their free will from a state of seeing rather than a state of blindness. 

This still does not mean that a shift will happen instantly. It will require a process of people gradually raising their awareness and shifting their consciousness. Once the energy that overpowers people is reduced in strength, they will have the freedom to rethink many of the conditions on earth that they now take for granted or cannot see at all. It is not a matter of you helping the beings of higher awareness to force people. The beings of higher awareness have ultimate respect for free will, and you need to attain as well. 

You are in embodiment, and this is more difficult for you because you are threatened by other people who can attack you physically. You still need to work towards an absolute respect for other people’s free will. You realize that the beings of higher awareness never seek to force people, even for their own good. You may say: “Well, obviously it is for everybody’s good to remove war from the earth.” The beings of higher awareness agree that it is, but this does not mean that they would ever override people’s free will and force them in order to achieve this goal. They seek to achieve the goal by freeing people’s will so that they can freely make the choice to transcend the consciousness that makes war possible. 

This is the basic dynamic on earth. War is possible because there is a force that overrides peoples’ basic programming and their free will. People do not have a free choice to stop war, to stop killing. Even people in seemingly peaceful nations do not have a free choice to say that their country should not engage in wars and they should not engage in many other activities that actually support war or the entire culture and consciousness of war, even the industry of war. 

You cannot remove war alone

What the beings of higher awareness seek to achieve is to awaken a critical mass of the more aware people so that you will have a correct understanding of what it will take to remove war from this planet. This will then empower you to make the most efficient possible contribution to removing war. There are even practical tools that will give you the power to give the beings of higher awareness the authority to step in on earth. You alone cannot remove war. It is not your task and responsibility to do it alone. Your task is to work with the beings of higher awareness so that the combined effort can have the maximum impact on this planet. By acknowledging that it is not you alone who must do something, you can overcome the paralysis that so many people feel. 

Consider that you have grown up on a planet and in a society where many people consider war inevitable. When you look back at the last few hundred years, you will see that there has been a gradual shift happening in many of the more developed nations. If you go back a few hundred years, you will see that many people thought war was not only inevitable but even desirable. There was a certain honor associated with being a solider and going to war and defeating the enemy. Many young men were brought up to want to go to war, want to do heroic deeds. 

Even in the first world war and the second world war, this was the case. Even in more recent wars, you have seen people volunteer to go out and do something that they felt had ultimate importance. You have also seen many nations where there has been a shift where most people have begun to feel that war is not honorable and war is not desirable. War is something that ideally should be avoided, yet these people do not see how it could be avoided. Again, you have an example of the compartmentalization of people’s minds. 

There are many people who feel that they themselves do not support war, and they would not go to war and they would not kill another human being. At the same time, they have another compartment of their minds where they have given up and think that war is inevitable, that it cannot be removed from the earth. It is a matter of trying to avoid it and staying away from it. This is what has caused many spiritual people to go into the sense that: “If I just focus on myself, and if I am loving and kind, then I am doing all that I can do to improve planet earth.” This is the paralysis that you need to awaken from if you want to fulfill the potential for which you came into this embodiment. 

You decided that you wanted to make a decisive contribution to removing war from this planet. Millions of more aware people did this before coming into this lifetime. This is because there is a realistic potential that we can remove war from this planet within the foreseeable future. It will not be easy; it will take time, but it is a possible and realistic goal. You know this in your heart if you are open to this inner knowing.

You can acknowledge that you have an outer programming that makes it seem like war is inevitable. After all, there is always some other people that you cannot control who are willing to start a war. When you look at what is going on in Ukraine, Africa or the Middle East, how can you not feel disempowered? How can you not feel the impossibility of stopping this? 

Empowerment with the beings of higher awareness

You are not disempowered when you work with the beings of higher awareness. There is a possibility of stopping war because the people who create wars are completely overpowered by the dark forces. If you remove the power that the dark forces have over people, then the people will awaken. They will awaken to the basic programming in the human body and mind, but also to the fact that they too are non-material beings who have a higher goal and a higher vision of their lives. There is hardly any person who could not be awakened. There are some that it would be very difficult to awaken, but then the beings of higher awareness have the authority to remove them from the earth when enough other people have transcended a certain level of consciousness. 

There is nothing that cannot be changed and overcome. There is nothing that is impossible because free will reigns supreme. Why is war still on earth? Because too many people are using their free will to accept war as desirable or as inevitable. When a critical mass of people use their free will to transcend the level of consciousness that makes war seem desirable or inevitable, then the beings of higher awareness can and will remove war from this planet. If you find in your heart that this is a goal that resonates with you, then continue to read about how the goal can be achieved.