Communism—what is it? Well, what is it other than a dictatorship? What is the state of mind that is created by communism, at least in those people who buy into the lies of communism? Well, is it not fanaticism? And, contrary to the claims made by communism of creating a classless society, everybody who has lived under a communist system knows that there is no classlessness. There is an elite of the party elite. Communism embodies all three of these qualities: dictators, fanaticism, elitism.
Higher awareness wants to extend an opportunity for all of the nations who were under communism and those who still are—even though you can discuss whether there are any nations who are still under a strictly communist system. If Karl Marx could see what has happened in China, since opening up to trade from the west, he would be, so to speak, rotating in his grave. Nevertheless, the opportunity here is that all of the people who have been influenced by the communist system can step back and rethink, reevaluate—process the experience.
Why is this important? Well, how can you ever be free of something until you look at it consciously, overcome the wounds, the lies, the illusions, and consciously make a decision to move forward? If you look at some of the nations, for example, the Baltic countries and Eastern Europe – you will see that since the “fall of communism” as you say, many of these countries have made tremendous progress in terms of growing the economy, providing better jobs, providing better and freer living conditions for the people. And so you see that much progress has been made. But, you also see that in many of these nations, as you, for that matter, also see in the Western nations—there is an increase in mental illness, there is an increase in depression, substance abuse and various forms of escapism.
And why is that? Why do you see this tremendous growth on the one hand, but also the increase in mental disorders of many kinds? Well, is it not easy enough, at least for the more aware people, to put the two together and realize that when you know and accept reincarnation as a reality, many of the people, who today are young people in these former communist nations, have reincarnated and in their past lifetime they were persecuted, perhaps executed, by the communist regime. Does it not stand to reason that if you have been brutally murdered or put in concentration camps by a communist regime, then in your next lifetime you are born with tremendous psychological traumas and burdens that you need to find a way to deal with, to process and to overcome? How can people do this? Well, you can do it by following the path to higher awareness. You can do it to some degree by pursuing individual therapy. But how many people are doing this? So how could it be done in these nations? Well, it could be done if these nations were willing to stand back and say: “Let’s not ignore our past. Let’s not forget that we had a recent past where we were suppressed by this highly dictatorial system. Let’s look at this, let’s have a debate about it. Let’s talk openly about it and process that experience so we can move forward.” You see that if this was done on a collective basis, it would be easier for people individually to heal their traumas. This isn’t to say that people wouldn’t need individual healing and therapy—they would.
What you see now in most of these nations in Eastern Europe is this code of silence. It’s almost like communism is a taboo that nobody really wants to talk about. It was a bad experience. Everybody agrees it was bad, but it’s behind us now, so let’s just move forward. But you can’t move forward if you’re not willing to look back and process what happened and how this influenced you. There is no nation that has been under a communist rule, especially those who are part of the Soviet Union or the Warsaw Pact, who do not have very, very severe traumas in the collective consciousness. Now naturally, this applies to all nations who were under a communist system, including Russia, including other Soviet Republics in the east. But it is clear that the Baltic nations, the Eastern European nations, who were part of the Warsaw Pact, they have more of an opportunity, more of an awareness to rise beyond this to be among the first who break the ice and dare to actually look at this.
You will see that in Germany, after the end of the Second World War, there was a similar state where for decades, the German people, the German nation, were not really willing to look at what happened under Nazism—to look at the era of Hitler and talk about this openly. But you will also see that there came a period, after a few decades where this started very gradually to soften up. There was more of a debate, there was more talk about it. And that’s why we can look at Germany today and see that they have made more progress than many of the nations who were under communism, because there has been some willingness to debate it. And this is why you also see the corresponding economic progress in Germany, because they are all interconnected. There cannot be true economic progress unless there’s progress in the collective consciousness. And there cannot be progress in the collective consciousness unless you look at your past and deal with it. You cannot escape the era of communism by ignoring it. It will not go away by itself. There is no reason to wait as long as Germany waited before you start to debate this. The faster you start debating it, the quicker you will make progress.
These are sensitive issues and many people would rather ignore them. But, you understand that there will always be a resistance from the collective consciousness towards progress. Any kind of progress, any new initiative, must break through resistance in the collective consciousness. It’s not necessarily always a conscious resistance or a deliberate resistance. A dictator always has the consent of the governed, but the people are not always consciously aware that they are giving their consent to the dictator. They are not consciously aware of this, and, therefore, this lack of conscious awareness is what creates the resistance in the collective consciousness to change—people are not conscious. It’s not that they are deliberately and consciously resisting change, but at a subconscious level they are.
You can have a people, and you have this here in Eastern Europe, you have it in the Baltic nations, who are consciously saying: “We want progress”. You can see in the nation of Estonia, for example, where there are people who say that before the Soviet occupation, Estonia was further along in growth than Finland. And when communism fell, Estonia was 30-40 years behind Finland. And there is a desire in the Estonian nation to catch up or even get ahead again. But how can you catch up? How can you get ahead when there is a subconscious resistance in the collective consciousness towards change? And it is subconscious resistance because you haven’t looked at it. You haven’t made it conscious. You haven’t looked at what happened during communism, how it affected you, what are these very subtle lies that a communist system programs into the subconscious minds of the people and therefore, programs into the collective consciousness.
If you look at all nations including the, so-called, most modern nations in the West, you will see that there is also a subconscious resistance to change in many places. And that’s because there is not an awareness of the collective consciousness. In fact, there is in the collective consciousness a resistance towards people becoming aware of the existence of the collective consciousness because these vortexes that have been created in the collective consciousness do not want to be exposed. Because they know that if people see how these vortexes are controlling them, then they will want to be free of that control. Therefore, they are trying to stay below the conscious level, so that the people are not aware of how they are being affected.
Higher awareness looks at a particular nation and sees that in that nation there is a small number of people who have the potential to become aware of the path to higher awareness and start walking that path of raising their consciousness. They are the forerunners. But it also sees that when that group of people have come to a certain level, you now have the option to do the energetic work so that the next ring of people can be cut free to discover the path, to walk the path. Then it can spread like rings in the water from that point, but somebody needs to be the forerunner, somebody needs to help others and then we can gradually have a spreading of awareness. This is the only practical way to do it given this very strong pull of the collective consciousness.
Now, if you look at these nations here in Eastern Europe, you will see that there has been a tremendous shift in the collective consciousness since the fall of communism. It was brought about by many things, not just the more aware people, but all people who are looking in a different direction, who are suddenly thinking that maybe they have an opportunity now, maybe they can make an effort and they’ll be rewarded for their effort. Maybe they can have a better material lifestyle. It can be all of these seemingly worldly and mundane things, but it still creates a shift in the collective consciousness. But, what you also have to realize is that there is a certain cloud of fear-based energy that was generated during communist times and it hasn’t been dissolved—it hasn’t been transformed. It has been covered over by this layer of optimistic energy. But, it’s still there, and it’s still pulling on many people and it’s still pulling them down.
You will see that especially some among the older generation find it difficult to adjust to the changes that have happened, and that is because they lived for a longer period during the communist times, during the fear-based times. Therefore, they are not free from that fear-based energy. Many of the younger people were not as affected by it, they have been able to more quickly adjust and therefore, they are not as tied in to it. But, it’s still there and it’s still affecting the nation and it still means that whenever you try to make progress towards some area, there is something that pulls you back that pulls the nation back, and you’re not making the progress you could be making.
In all of these nations, there are people who are more aware, who are looking at society, who are analyzing things and they are sometimes wondering: Why is it that we are doing all the same things that they were doing in the West 20 or 30 years ago, but it’s not working the same way? It’s not working as fast, or it doesn’t even sometimes have the effect that it had in the West. Why is that? We are seemingly doing everything right on the outer, but it isn’t working quite the same way. And these people cannot understand it, and the reason they can’t understand it is that there is that pull from the collective consciousness that you haven’t freed yourself from. The only way to do it is through a conscious debate on the national level, where you’re willing to look at this, process it and realize that you cannot just walk away from your past. You cannot ignore it. You will continue to drag it with you until you turn around and look at it and consciously process it, because only then can you cut the tie.
It is as if you are walking up a mountain, but you have a rope tied around your waist that’s tied to this heavy sack that contains all of these stones and you are dragging that bag of stones up the mountain. You’re trying to look forward and look at the top of the mountain. But, if you would just spend a little time and attention to turn around, look at the sack of stones, reach in there, take out a stone, look at it and see why you don’t need it anymore and then let it roll down the mountain. Then, you could empty that sack of stones and you would make much faster progress.
Now, in a sense you could look at communist times and see why were things the way they were? Why was it so heavy? Why didn’t you have bread in the stores? Why wasn’t the economy working? Why, why, why was life the way it was? It was because, again, you had that very heavy weight in the collective consciousness that was pulling everyone down. That heavy weight was created by the communist system. It was the only way a communist system could be created because it can only be created through force. And, by the very fact that they used force to create the communist system, they created this weight, which then made sure that the communist system could not work—that the economy could not function. It was not sustainable in the long run and it could never raise people in a communist system above a certain standard of living.
The promises made by the communist ideology could never be fulfilled because the system was created through force. It was doomed from the very beginning, not by a historical necessity but by spiritual necessity. These are things that you could benefit from looking at, and then looking at what it was in the psyche of the nation that made it possible for the communist system to be enforced.
By being willing to look at this individually, you will be able to live in one of these post-communist nations without having the post-communist trauma. This will be a great freedom for you individually and it can also create an important impetus for freeing your nation and other people around you from this heavy burden of this communist system. Higher awareness has great compassion for the people who were under this very heavy weight and are still affected by it. Higher awareness wants to help free all of these nations so that they could move forward and create a golden age future for your nations.