The one ingredient that is so lacking in the Chinese people is the desire for freedom. If there is no deity that desires freedom within the individual, how then shall a nation be free? How then shall a nation overcome the oppression that is even beyond the physical oppression, but is an oppression of the mind, the heart, the feelings?
There simply is no imagination – there is no I-magic in action – that can help people see a better future. If you do not see the value of freedom, how can you long for anything beyond the life that you have in your daily lives? How then can you focus on anything more, if you cannot even imagine that there is more?
If you are content with the level of existence you have, how shall you ever go within, realize that you have higher awareness and multiply that awareness? If there is not a critical mass of individuals in a nation that will multiply their awareness, then how indeed shall there ever be an awakening on the national level? How shall there ever be freedom? How can a nation possibly be free, if there is not that critical mass of people who are willing to be the forerunners for the Flame of Freedom by embodying it in their hearts?
The propaganda machine and individuality
The manipulators on earth have attempted to create all kinds of control schemes to suppress the higher awareness in people’s hearts. This is what you see enacted in this nation on a massive scale not seen since past ages long forgotten.
The propaganda machine is so efficient that it squashes the individuality of the vast majority of the people. But there is one thing that they can never, ever predict and therefore never, ever defend themselves against. And that is one individual going within him- or herself, therefore embodying the higher awareness, and then suddenly being willing to give expression to that awareness. This is the power of individuality.
When one person becomes a focus for higher awareness, then that person becomes the open door for all those who are one with it in the higher relam, and even those who have embodied that awareness in the physical realm. Suddenly, there is a connection that forms a net all around the planet of all people in embodiment, who have some embodiment of higher awareness.
Suddenly, that one person now becomes the open door for the collective momentum for all the people below and all the beings of higher awareness above. Suddenly, there is indeed a release of light that no force on earth can ever squash.
This is in no way to say that there is only one person who can be a focal point for this, for all who have embodied higher awareness to a critical degree can be that focal point wherever you are. There will be millions of people in this dawning of the Age of Higher Awareness who will embody higher awareness and therefore, wherever you are around the earth, you can be part of this.
Why freedom will win over control
Whether you speak words in the physical or not, you can be an open door for the anchoring of the light that will overthrow the schemes of the manipulators. Their control cannot control what they cannot predict. They cannot put down what they cannot predict, and they cannot predict the actions of a single individual who is an open door for higher awareness. This is uncontrollable and that is why freedom will win. The more you attempt to enact control, the more you blind yourself to the infinite and unpredictable creativity that can shine through one individual.
Higher awareness radiate love for all people, not only in China but on earth, so that they may feel that higher awareness has a higher vision for the golden age than they can even imagine. Through that love something may stir within them and then they may begin to feel that there perhaps can be better times ahead, if they are willing to search for something they cannot even define.
Nevertheless, if they start moving, if they start looking, they can be gradually led to find that something that is an outer focus and that will suddenly jolt their inner memory. Now they remember their Life plan that they formulated before coming into embodiment. Suddenly, they begin to be willing to move to put themselves in the right place, physically and in consciousness.
When enough people do this, there will come that critical mass. Suddenly, there will be a phase transition where the people now come into alignment, not with a false vision of the propaganda apparatus of the power elites of this world, but with the true vision of the beings of higher awareness.