The more aware people recognize: number one, there is something beyond the material universe and number two, it is possible to connect to that something. And number three, the path to higher awareness is about overcoming the state of consciousness that most people are in, where they think they are enough in themselves. That there is nothing beyond the outer self. The path you are engaged in is the path of gradually rising above the outer self and therefore, attaining a connection to a part of yourself, your higher self that is beyond the material world. This is self mastery, which most people on earth do not have and that the manipulators certainly do not have either. Even the manipulators in church and state do not have it.
Of course, many of those in the state, as you see in communist countries, do not even recognize there is anything beyond the material world. But those in the churches do recognize there is something beyond the material world, they just deny that you as a normal person can connect to that. Thereby they also deny it in themselves.They think perhaps that there is one person such as a patriarch, or prophet, or Pope—they all start with P, you notice—who has that connection. But do they really? Did the Popes of the Catholic church ever have a true connection to higher awareness? A few, a very few here and there, but most did not. So what is it that you have? A big game of pretending that you belong to this only true religion that has its authority from God. Or that you belong to this only true political system that bases its authority on some supposedly historical necessity.
You realize of course, all of you, that the fate, the past, and the future of Ukraine and Russia are very much linked and that you cannot really address the situation in Ukraine as being completely separate from the situation in Russia. What higher awareness hopes that you see is that there is always a possibility for progress. There is always a possibility for progress towards peace, harmony, cooperation and if nothing else, at least peaceful coexistence. Is that a path that is simple and straightforward? Well, in the case of Ukraine, no. In the case of many other situations that you see around the world, no, it is not so. And some of you might need to ponder that higher awareness is not like a magician who can come down and solve any human situation by snapping their fingers or waving some magical wand.
Higher awareness can, naturally, show a path. It can show a path forward but it always works within the law of free will. And the law of free will is very straightforward. You are allowed to have any experience you want to have for as long as you want it. And only when you, or rather a group of people, have had enough of a particular experience, can higher awareness help you move forward.
Higher awareness will never violate people’s free will, will never force it. The manipulators will violate and force people’s free will, but fallen beings will not. That is why fallen beings cannot simply show you a step-by-step path, “this is what you need to do.” Because there are many different people who need different experiences, and some have had enough of it and some have not. When fallen beings looks at a nation like Ukraine, it sees that it is called one nation. But is it one people? There is a joke that the Ukrainian people could conquer the world—if they could agree on which world to conquer. And that, of course, is the decisive question. You must recognize that you are divided, you are not one people.
You must recognize that there was only one person who originated the idea of Ukraine as one nation. That one nation was not manifest until Stalin forced it to be manifest, until he drew some lines on the map and defined this as the Soviet Republic of Ukraine. But you know Stalin was a manipulator, so you need to therefore ask yourself: Is there only one way to look at Ukraine as a nation? Is there only one way? Is it absolutely necessary for the future that the current nation, the current borders remain intact, and that Ukraine moves forward as one nation defined within those boundaries? Is that necessary?
There are, of course, people who are willing to consider this. But there are many, both among the population and among the leaders, especially the old guard in politics, who are not willing to consider this question. And this is one of the major blocks to a shift in the situation. It is one of the major things that actually creates division.
This may seem like a contradiction or an irony, but the fact is that the insistence on maintaining the present borders as one nation actually increases the division in the people who live within those borders, rather than decreases it. It is necessary to have a willingness to have an open debate about what is the country of Ukraine? What are these borders? How were they drawn? Was there any logic to anything that Joseph Stalin ever did? Was there any logic to anything that the Bolsheviks and the Soviet leaders did?
And there was a certain logic. Once you begin to consider what that logic is, you can see that here is the logic behind the Soviet Union, the logic behind the creation of Ukraine. And now you can begin to consider: Is that logic even logical to us? Does it seem logical to us today? Is it relevant to our situation or is it completely outdated, completely obsolete, even ridiculous to us today? Would we ever have believed in this logic, had it been presented to us as a choice? Would we ever have chosen to follow this logic? This needs to be recognized and there needs to be a debate about this, because only then can there be given a certain freedom to the people who live within the borders of this nation, to consider the question: Do we want to continue moving forward together? Or do we want to separate and move forward as separate people, separate nations.
This is not saying that there is one outcome that should or should not happen. But as long as you do not have the debate, you can only continue to increase the division and the fear that has, as a blade, led to the state of civil war—that most people in Ukraine called the war in the east, but it is truly a civil war. You can go to Kiev, to this wall around the church where you have pictures of all of the people who have fallen in that war. But what about those who have fallen on the other side?
Do they not also live within the borders of what you call Ukraine? So are they not Ukrainians? Is it not so that in any civil war the casualties on both sides are from the same nation? You know, perhaps that the American Civil War is still the war—including the Second World War—where most Americans have been killed, because every person killed was an American. You see here that before you can move out of fear and division, you need to consider: Are we one people? Can we find a way then to voluntarily choose to move forward as one nation? Or if we cannot, then what are our options for moving forward separately?
Higher awareness is greatly encouraged by this latest presidential election and the election for parliament. Because regardless of what you think about the new president, the people—a majority of them—have come together to elect a president who was not part of the established political elite, and to now elect a majority of the members of parliament who are not part of the established political elite either. This is encouraging because naturally, higher awareness sees that it is the established political elite who allowed the situation to slide into the division that led to civil war.
There is a possibility now for taking Ukraine in a new direction that will lead to a peaceful resolution, a peaceful outcome. Obviously, it is a difficult situation, and certainly the new parliament members and the president face a very difficult situation. Yet because of the work of many spiritual people, higher awareness will bind and consume, as is appropriate, the dark forces so that the Ukrainian nation has an opportunity to start on a clean white page, in an energetic sense.
Therefore, there is a new opportunity to move forward for the Ukrainian leaders and the Ukrainian people, all of the people within the borders of what you call Ukraine Now. Higher awareness will also bring forth the judgment of Christ upon those forces outside this nation, be they in Russia, in United States or other Western nations, who are seeking to use the situation in Ukraine and use the Ukrainian people, for some geopolitical end, or even an end that is not necessarily geopolitical, but is in the narrow, short-term interests of their nation as they are able to see it.
Higher awareness will bind the dark forces who are behind these initiatives. And therefore, again, give the Ukrainian people an opportunity to start on a clean white page. Now, you must understand that higher awareness cannot in any way (do not in any way want to) interfere with the free-will choices of the people. When higher awareness removes a certain darkness, it is removed. But the people still have the same level of consciousness, unless they are attuned to what is happening and able to free themselves. And therefore, they can choose to recreate the same consciousness and to do so very quickly.
Therefore, higher awareness cannot guarantee that there will be no more war on the Ukrainian territory, because the people have to be willing to use the opportunity to move forward. Many, many people inside Ukraine in Russia, in the United States and other Western nations, have been tied into specific dark beings in the emotional, mental and identity realms. Those dark beings are taken. But that does not mean that all dark beings in those realms have been taken. This means that the people in embodiment can choose. Some of them will feel a moment of emptiness of: “What happened, I don’t sense what I normally sense?” But they can choose then to open their minds to other dark beings who can come in, and therefore, continue working on that agenda, according to people’s choices. This higher awareness cannot interfere with because it needs to set people free to give them an opportunity to feel what it is to be free, and then give them some time to choose. And then in some cases, allow them to go down the track they have now chosen when they actually have a more clear, a more real choice than they might have had for many lifetimes.
The goal of higher awareness for the future of Ukraine is to give the people who live inside the borders of Ukraine, the freedom to choose for themselves what they want to do, whether they want to move forward as one nation or not. This should be a choice made by the people of Ukraine. And they should have no interference from any source outside, be it Russia be it the West. Many of you realize that it is not only Russia that is seeking to interfere with the politics of Ukraine but certainly some western nations are doing so as well. Many in the West will say, but the West has benign intentions. We want to spread freedom and democracy and affluence to Ukraine, like we have seen in other Western nations. But you recognize that the people in Russia, many of them also have benign intentions. And they want to do what they see as the best for the Ukrainian people.
Higher awareness is not concerned about what people think in the United States, who quite frankly, in most cases don’t know much about Ukraine, don’t understand the Ukrainian people, don’t care about the Ukrainian people. Neither is higher awareness concerned about people in Russia, even though they, in many cases know the Ukrainian people, at least, the more Russian leaning part of the Ukrainian people better, and what they think is best for the Ukrainian people. What higher awareness is concerned with is what do the people who live within the borders of this nation, what do they think is best?
So far, there has never been a willingness to really consider this question openly and neutrally: “Who are we? Are we somehow, since the creation of this nation by Stalin, have we been homogenized to the point where we can move forward together? Or are our differences so big that we cannot see a way to move forward together?” This is not saying what should happen or what shouldn’t happen. But it is saying that by forcing people, so to speak, to have a debate and consider the question, you might actually get some people to say: “But maybe the division we have been feeling, is not really as important as our national unity. So maybe we can find a way to actually cooperate with those that we have so far seen as being on the other side.”
Consider a married couple, who for years can go on arguing with each other without ever mentioning the possibility of a divorce. Once they actually consider that they might get a divorce, this might cause them to see that, well maybe after all, we can find a way to live together. It is exactly the same here. Higher awareness is calling for the more aware people in Ukraine, or those of you in Russia who have an affiliation or concern for Ukraine, to be willing to consider this question in yourselves without having this predefined answer to what should or should not happen. Go into a neutral state of mind and make the calls that people in general, that the leaders, that the media will wake up and realize the need to consider the question: “What is Ukraine? What are the groups of people living in this nation? What are their differences? Can they find a way to transcend those differences and come to some sort of unity? Or is it necessary to consider that we break up the nation, we create different national borders, and we move forward separately.”
There are forces that will not consider this question. There is in the collective consciousness, a very, very heavy opposition to considering this question. There are forces in the West, primarily in the United States, who want this nation to remain as one because they are seeing Ukraine as just one link in their chain to rein in Russia, and especially Putin. But higher awareness is not supporting this, it is supporting the Ukrainian people’s right to make their own decisions about their future. Naturally, there are forces in Russia, who do not want to break up Ukraine. In English, you have the concept that you can “call someone’s bluff”. If they say they want something, you say: “Okay, here it is.” And then you see if they really want what they said they wanted or if they want something else.
What is it that Putin has, in a way, been signaling by siding with all Russia-leaning people in eastern Ukraine? In a way he has been giving them the hope that they will win independence, that he is on their side, that he supports their independence from the western part of Ukraine. But does he? Does he care about the people in eastern Ukraine? Or is it just a game for him? Consider that the government of Ukraine went to Putin and said: “Okay, we agree to divide Ukraine, where do you think we should draw the border”? You would see that Putin would very quickly retreat, because he does not want a divided Ukraine. Why not? Because he knows that if Ukraine was divided into a western part and an eastern part, the western part would immediately join the EU and NATO. And that is the last thing he wants. His aim, with his intervention in eastern Ukraine is to keep Ukraine as one nation and to keep that nation out of NATO. He is not seeking to create an independent republic in eastern Ukraine. He is not even seeking to make those who are fighting there have some decisive victory where they can say, now we have an independent territory. That is not what he wants. He wants all of Ukraine to remain out of NATO. And the people in the East are just pieces, chess pieces in the game that he thinks he’s playing with the West. The game that springs from his own attitude that, as he has said, the biggest geopolitical disaster of the last century was the dissolution of the Soviet Union. This is how he thinks.
Why does he think that way? Not because he cares about communism and Marxist ideals. But because his big regret in life, on a personal level, is that he was born so late that he could not become the leader of the Soviet Union, with all the personal power that he thinks this would give him. He wants that power. Or perhaps we can even say that the manipulators in the identity realm, the mental and the emotional, to whom he has sold his soul, they want that power. What Putin wants on a personal level, is quite frankly, impossible to determine, because he has long ago, given up his personal ambitions, in order to let those forces work through him.
You see here that, for these dark forces, Ukraine is just a piece in this global chess game that they think they can move around as they please. And what higher awareness wants is that the Ukrainian people become free of these influences so they can choose their own future, as a nation. So they can decide, what kind of nation do we want to live in? And how do we have to change ourselves, so that we can build that nation, instead of expecting that someone else will do it for us.
The most encouraging aspect of the election of the new president and the new parliament, is that the people have said: “We do not want the old leaders to rule us anymore. We want those who truly are of the people, by the people, and hopefully, for the people to rule our nation”. We will see how much they are for the people or whether there is always some special interests. But nevertheless, the Ukrainian people, a majority of them, have made a decisive choice. And higher awareness of course, wants to see that choice be allowed to unfold so that the people can learn the maximum lesson they can learn and therefore become more and more able to feel that they can govern their own nation, they can know what is the best future. They can know and decide what kind of nation they want to live in. And then they can have it manifest.
This is what higher awareness desires to see. And the Ukrainian people have the opportunity to start anew, at the three levels that are beyond the physical. And higher awareness will, as always, leave it up to them, what they will choose at the physical level. But now they have been given the opportunity that they have not had before as a nation.