The consciousness behind the military-industrial complex
There is an aspect of society in virtually every nation on earth that is very much a hindrance to the progress and transcendence of that society. Consider the role of the military and the businesses that are making a profit off of supplying what the military needs. This is what has sometimes been called, the military-industrial complex.
If you take a look at world history, you will see that in many cases the military has decided to stage a coup where they have taken over the government. This has even happened in a number of democratic nations, such as South Korea as well. In most cases where this has been done, the military has played a very conservative role, in other words being against major changes to society that would spread the power. Thus, what has in most cases happened is that the military, instead of defending the people has defended the power elite.
Envision that you have a situation where the regime in North Korea has collapsed. You now face the question of how to deal with the re-unification of the two Koreas. One of the biggest difficulties in such a scenario would be that both the North and the South has a very large military. They also both have businesses or at least institutions that are producing and supplying what the military needs, such as weapons, uniforms, food, shelter and housing and any other things. If there was a re-unification of Korea, suddenly the North Korean military and military-industrial complex could easily be seen as obsolete. Also, in South Korea, is there really a need to have as large of a military if you do not have to deal with the threat north of the border?
Anything human beings do, any endeavor where they focus the attention of many people, will create a collective energetic vortex. As more and more energy is fed into it, it eventually can reach the stage that where it aggressively seeks to perpetuate its own existence.
How was the vortex created? By people pouring their energy into a particular fear-based matrix. How will the vortex sustain its existence? Only by getting people to continue to pour their energies into the fear-based matrix that created it in the first place. The military as an institution goes very far back into history, but ever since you have had nation states (nations with a clear sense of identity), those nations have in most cases had a military. There are nations where the existence of a military force goes back many centuries and you can see how much energy has been poured into this by the people over this long time span. Any country that has had a military for a long time has created some very powerful vortexes that are owing their existence to the military and to the energies that have been fed into it by the people. There are many, many people on earth who have grown up to take it for granted that you need a military, you need an army; you need to be able to defend yourself against attack.
Why war is never justified
There has, of course, been certain time periods in the history of the earth where there have been certain peoples or certain nations that have been very aggressive in expanding their power over other nations by conquering them with a military. Therefore, one can say that for a nation to survive, it has had to have a military that could deter such an attack or even turn it back if it occurred. We cannot take a completely idealistic view of the military and say that it has never been necessary at the practical level. At a higher level we can consider whether a military truly is necessary and this is where you simply cannot understand the dynamic around the military unless you understand the existence of the manipulators.
War is not a naturally occurring phenomenon on any planet. War is an invention of the manipulators and the real purpose of war is not actually to conquer other people, to extend ones territory or extend ones system. You may think that it was the purpose of Communism to conquer the entire world and turn it into a communist world, but this was not the real cause behind the communist aggression. The real cause of war as designed by the manipulators is one thing and one thing only: destruction. There is no positive, constructive purpose for war whatsoever, there never has been, there never will be.
When you look at the situation from a higher awareness perspective, you see that war is never justified—never justified. You may go into the human perspective, the more immediate, practical perspective and you may say that from such a perspective war is justified. There is a distinction, a very clear distinction, between these temporary, situation-based justifications that human beings define based on the circumstances in this world. The more aware people need to be aware that there is a higher perspective, and according to this war is never justified.
You may look at a human situation, a historical situation on earth, and you may ask: “Well, was it not justified that the so-called free world defeated Nazism in the Second World War? Was it not justified that the so-called free world resisted the spread of Communism so that the entire world was not conquered by the Soviet Union or other communist states?” The shocking truth is that it was not justified from the perspective of higher awareness.
You might say that given the state of the collective consciousness, it was unavoidable. It was perhaps even necessary for the outplaying of the dualistic state of consciousness so that people might come to see the futility of it. Nevertheless, it cannot be construed that according to higher awareness these wars were justified. The reason for this is that higher awareness is not dualistic. Higher awareness is not affected by the dualistic dynamic created by the manipulators.
War seeks to destroy people’s spiritual potential
We know very well that the real purpose of war is destruction. Not just the destruction of the physical environment or a nation or a planet but the destruction of human beings; the destruction of their potential to raise their consciousness towards higher awareness. Has anything had a more destructive influence on people’s ability to follow the path to higher awareness than these huge wars you have seen over the past century?
Look at how many people were killed prematurely. Look at how many people were displaced. Look at how many people had their entire energy and attention consumed by these wars. The purpose of a war is never just what it is claimed to be at the surface level. The Second World War was not a fight between good on one side and evil on the other. It was the result of a manipulation by the power elites that caused human beings to polarize towards two dualistic extremes whereby the elite manipulated them into seeking to destroy each other. The manipulators have done this over and over and over again on this planet.
War never has a benign purpose
There is never a benign or constructive purpose for war. This means that there is never a higher necessity to have an army. It is not a natural condition that a nation should have to have an army in order to survive. It is an artificial condition created by the manipulators.
The entire consciousness behind armed forces is based on fear. If you did not have fear, you would not have a military. There is no way to create a military that is not based on fear. You may say: “But what about those empires that have created an army not to defend themselves but to attack others?” Even here, there is fear. You cannot engage in aggression against other human beings, you cannot engage in killing other human beings, unless you are driven by fear.
You may have some excuse of extending civilization or spreading Communism or spreading freedom and democracy by engaging in war, but behind that motivation is some fear-based motive. Your minds are taken over by fear—that is why you arm yourself. Whether you arm yourself for the purpose of conquest or for the purpose of defense, it is always based on fear.
Anything human beings do from a fear-based state of consciousness will create these energetic vortexes and they will then eventually become so powerful that they can overpower individuals very easily, they can overpower groups of people and they can even overpower entire nations. What was it that caused the Soviet aggression against non-communist states? It was fear. When you recognize, at least sub-consciously, that your entire ideology is based on fear (as Communism is indeed a fear-based ideology), then you naturally, unavoidably feel a need to extend your ideology to all nations because you are threatened by the existence of nations that do not recognize your ideology. You feel fear that maybe your ideology could be wrong and that is why these other people are resisting it. In order to overcome your fear, you want to force all others to accept your ideology.
Why did the communist forces in the North absolutely have to conquer all of Korea? Because they could not live with the fact that some people in Korea did not embrace their ideology. There is always a fear-based dynamic. Whenever you have an armed force, you must have an enemy to fight. Otherwise, what is the justification, and why would people then pay their taxes to support the armed forces?
Hidden forces behind the military
In the vast majority of cases a nation has an army that is paid for by the taxes paid by all of the people. How do you then get the people to pay these taxes, especially in a democracy where you cannot force them? Well, you do so only by perpetuating the fear-based mindset so that the people are so afraid that they think it is necessary to maintain the armed force. Do you see that behind this are the manipulators who are not concerned about the people whatsoever. They are only concerned about either controlling the population on the earth or destroying those who will not be controlled. There are even some manipulators who are not primarily concerned about control because they are focused on destruction and nothing else. Behind every military in the world there is a conglomerate of forces. There are these energetic vortexes and then there are the manipulators.
It does not necessarily mean that the people in the military are manipulators. But their minds are so controlled by the consciousness and the doctrines, the military doctrines, created by the manipulators that they have very little ability to think clearly, to think individually and to think in an independent manner. There is an unnatural selection process where a certain system filters out those who do not agree with the basic philosophy of the system. The armed forces of any nation is precisely a closed system and therefore it filters out all of those people who have the ability to question the system.
When you look at some of the armed forces in the world, you can see that, for example, the armed forces in the United States are still to a large degree trapped in what has been called the cold war mindset. When the Soviet Union collapsed and when it (at least for a time) seemed like Russia would no longer be the military threat it had been during the cold war, there were many people in the United States’ military, in the industrial complex and in the political arena who had a kind of withdrawal symptoms, almost like a drug addict who does not have access to his drug. They simply did not know what to do with themselves now that it seemed like they did not have a clearly defined enemy to fight. You will see that many of these people drew a sigh of relief when Vladimir Putin stepped into the role of seeming like Russia could again become a threat against which the armies of the West needed to be ready to defend themselves.
Forces against reunification
You will see the same dynamic in Korea where there are many people in the armed forces who are so trapped in the mindset that was created by the war and has been perpetuated since the war that they cannot, they will not, even consider the potential for a re-unification. Their mindset is geared toward one thing only and that is fighting the North Korean army.
Naturally, you see in North Korea also many people in the military who would not even consider that they could give up and surrender and allow a re-unification. Their entire mindset is geared towards fighting South Korea. You will see the same with those who represent the American armed forces in South Korea. They are also geared towards fighting North Korea. You can go to the large industrial corporations that are producing and supplying the army’s needs and you can see again in their mindset they do not want to seriously consider a re-unification.
There are forces in America who, as we said last time, are making profits out of selling military equipment to South Korea and there are those armed forces who are also basing their existence on having to be ready to fight North Korea and they likewise do not want a re-unification. There are politicians in America who do not want a re-unification because they want to perpetuate the dualistic mindset where America is the one who has to guarantee freedom and democracy by always being ready to fight any enemy, real or imagined—mostly imagined, my beloved.
You see, again, in the political arena in South Korea, there are those people who will not consider re-unification. Of course in North Korea they likewise will not consider it. What you can do, what you have the opportunity to do, is make the calls for the binding and the consuming of these demons and collective entities that have taken over the minds of the people and make it impossible for people to even re-think the status quo, to ever question the status quo and say: “Do we actually need to continue this situation, to perpetuate this situation indefinitely? Is there an alternative? Is there a different way to look at this?”
The potential for dramatic changes
If there was a collapse of the regime in the North, if there was a real potential for a re-unification of the two Koreas, then the biggest obstacle would be the armed forces in both the North and the South along with the industrial complex supporting them. They would not want a re-unification for the simple reason that it would take away much of the justification for their existence and their profits.
This of, course, is the manipulators who do not want to lose the potential they have engineered for destruction if there was a war. When you know this, you do not need to feel discouraged, you do not need to feel fearful. You need to recognize something very, very simple: It is true that there are people in embodiment who have a great resistance to change but this resistance to change comes primarily because the people’s minds have been taken over by the energetic vortexes, or the people have been fooled by the manipulators. Yet this resistance can be overcome through higher awareness.
When people’s minds are freed from the veil of the manipulators, the people who have the potential and who are in positions in society will suddenly begin to question the status quo that has existed on the Korean peninsula now for so many decades. They will begin to question if there is a different way to deal with this, if there is a different way to look at it.
There is a considerable probability that the situation could shift in a fundamental way so that enough people have their minds freed from the dualistic mode of thinking. Therefore, they can be open to the new ideas from higher awareness.
The agenda of destroying human beings
There is a phenomenon called hatred of the matter realm. This is where people experience such severe consequences in the physical realm that they become very resentful of this realm. This is because they forget that the matter realm can only reflect back to human beings what they are projecting into the cosmic mirror. They forget that the consequences are self-created, or at least that they have been collectively created by humankind. They feel it is the matter realm that is unjustly forcing them to experience these very severe and long-lasting consequences.
Hatred of the matter realm takes many forms but the most extreme form is that you are willing to kill other human beings. Now, if you come from the Buddhic tradition, you may say is it only the killing of other human beings; is it not the killing of all sentient creatures? Here we face a delicate issue. If you go to an overall level, an overall perspective, you see that, naturally, as this planet moves further into the Age of Higher Awareness there will come a point where it is not necessary to kill any creature; human or animal. This, however, will require that a substantial portion of the animal species that exist today will simply vanish.
This is not to say you cannot swat a mosquito, for in the Age of Higher Awareness, as we move further into it (which is a matter of a long time-span), there will be no mosquitos or other such animals on the planet. In the current situation on earth, we are not primarily concerned here with the killing of animals. The most important topic is the killing of people.
The manipulators have an agenda of destroying human beings. The reason for this is very simple. A human being is the only being on earth that has the potential to attain higher awareness. It is when you exercise your potential to attain higher awareness that you become a threat to the manipulators, their control on this planet and their survival, even their very existence. This is what they want to prevent, and that is why they have a desire to kill anyone that manifests higher awareness. In order to achieve this. they are willing to kill large numbers of people.
You have the story, even though it is a myth, that when Jesus was born, King Herod was willing to kill all male babies in order to kill the one Living Christ. This is the attitude of the manipulators. This is one of the primary motivations behind war. They want to kill those who have a potential to manifest higher awareness by killing as many people as possible.
There are, of course, also those manipulators whose only agenda is destruction and they want to kill as many people as possible. There is no more efficient way to extract people’s energies than to get two groups of people, two nations, to wage an all-out destructive war against each other. Killing a human being is the extreme outpicturing of hatred of the matter realm.
The military is based on hatred of the matter realm
What is the entire purpose of a military? Is it not to kill human beings? In the very mindset that generates an army, is the need, the desire, the willingness to kill human beings. You can go into the people in the military, the people in the political establishments who support the military, the people in the industrial establishment that support the military and you will see in the minds of these people a very characteristic dynamic.
If you look at these people as individuals when they act, for example, towards others or even in private settings like their families, you might say they are perfectly normal people. Some of them may be very nice people; some of them may be very well-meaning, very idealistic, very dedicated towards their task as they see it. Yet if you go deeper into the psychology, you see that they all have a mechanism in their psychology. We might call it an implant, a psychic implant, put there by the manipulators. This mechanism means not that these people are psychopaths, not that they are indiscriminate killers. It does mean that when a situation arises that calls for their military to perform its defined task, then these people become willing to kill and to kill indiscriminately. Once they have a defined enemy, they will do whatever they can, whatever they think is necessary, to defeat that enemy. In order to achieve that objective, they are willing to kill any numbers of people among the enemy but they are also willing to sacrifice any number of their own soldiers.
This is not saying these people are evil or bad people. This is not saying they are manipulators, although, of course, some people in the military, in the political establishment, in the industrial establishment are manipulators. There are many, many people who have elected to be in the military and to rise to prominent positions in the military precisely because they have this mechanism where they believe that under certain circumstances killing is fully justified.
It is justified to the point where they do not even need to think about what they are doing. They do not need to recognize that they are actually killing living human beings, individuals just like themselves and their own children. They are willing to step into a mindset where they see the enemy as non-humans and where they also see their own soldiers as non-humans. They may even see the civilians among the enemy as non-humans. They may even see their own civilians as non-humans, accepting that there will be a certain collateral damage, as they call it, to waging a war and that you cannot always avoid the killing of civilians.
This is the extreme outcome of hatred of the matter realm where you think it is justified to kill human beings and that collateral damage is acceptable. You actually do not think you are killing human beings because you see them as non-humans. This is a consciousness that is so deeply ingrained in the military forces of the world and the industries and the politicians who support them that there is virtually none of them that are willing to question it.
There are, of course, people in many democratic nations who have throughout the decades been willing to question the military even to demonstrate against war but what you often see is that these people go to an opposite extreme. They swing to an unbalanced extreme and they take these rather extremist pacifist positions that are simply the opposite dualistic polarity to the mindset of those in the military.
A balanced way to look at the military
With higher awareness there can be an awakening of the people so they are able to find a middle way. There are young people who have been brought into embodiment because they have the potential to question this dynamic, to stand up and say there is a balanced way to look at this. They have the potential to create a debate in society that is not dominated by the extreme viewpoints of wanting to blindly defend the military, wanting to blindly attack the military.
There is a middle way where you can have a more aware discussion about the role of the military, the necessity to perpetuate the current situation. You can begin then to create an openness where you can see solutions that have simply not been seen before. Whenever a debate gets polarized between the extremes, it seems to people as if they either have to choose to support the military completely or they have to choose to abandon the military completely. But there is always a higher perspective where you can find a new way to look at the entire dynamic and suddenly you begin to see perspectives, solutions that were not seen by anyone before.
The trick of the manipulators in polarizing a debate is to make people group themselves into two extremes. One is focused on the one dualistic polarity, the other is focused on the other. There is nobody in between who can see anything besides these two polarities. You often have a situation where there is a debate in society and where hardly anyone can see beyond the dualistic polarities, hardly anyone can see different perspectives, different solutions.
Naturally, it is not practical, right now, for South Korea to abandon its military. It would be possible for South Korea to begin to debate whether there is a different way to deal with the entire situation of the division between North and South. Could we perhaps find a way to trick the North Koreans into feeling less threatened by our military? Could we perhaps find a way to free our own society from the mindset upheld by the military and by the industry behind them that the only possible solution is confrontation?
Could we perhaps find a way to see that what the military says is that they cannot step down until North Korea steps down? Of course, the military in North Korea says that they cannot step down until the military in the South steps down. Who should blink first? Well, none of them will blink, but perhaps you could find a way to recognize that this is not the only way to look at the situation and that it may actually be possible for South Korea to take an initiative that North Korea would not be capable of taking because they are much more trapped in dualistic thinking.
There is a practical form of wisdom. The core of practical wisdom is that it does not require an idealistic solution to a problem. Some people look at the overall perspective, looks at it from an ideal perspective of what is ultimately the best and what is not constructive. Then they work towards promoting that ideal solution. People with practical wisdom recognize that, right here and right now, we have a specific situation. It is very far from the ideal solution. Therefore, we cannot jump from the present conditions to the ideal solution. We need to look at the conditions and then find a way to break up the stalemate so that instead of being locked in a stale, stationary situation, we can begin to move. The first and primary concern of people with practical wisdom is to take a situation that is locked and shift something so that the situation begins to move.
It is the image of a river that has been frozen in the winter and then, as the weather warms up in the spring, there comes a point where the ice begins to break. As the ice breaks, it can very slowly begin to move. As it moves faster and faster, suddenly an area of clear, open water appears, then another one, then another one. Then, they begin to blend together until suddenly, instead of a river covered with ice with a few open holes, you now have an open river with a few areas of ice. Then, eventually, all of the ice moves downstream and melts and the river is again flowing. This is a very realistic potential to achieve in the Korean situation, when you free the minds of the people who have taken embodiment specifically to break up the stalemate and to create a new approach to the situation.