A higher awareness perspective on human affairs
There is a tendency for human beings to look at situations like the war in Ukraine and become very focused on the physical situation being completely wrong: “This should not have happened, this kind of suffering should not happen, there should not be a war in Europe again after what we went through with the Second World War, this should never be able to happen again.” And while these feelings are understandable, the question is: does it help you move on as an individual, does it help nations move on?
You might consider that there was a time when nobody in embodiment on earth had ever flown in an airplane. You might consider that most of you have experienced flying in an airplane looking down upon the earth far below. But have you ever considered the difference in perspective you have when you are looking down from an airplane? Or when you are standing on earth in a forest where all you can see are the trees around you, you cannot even see the sky for the trees? Well, that gives you some sense of the difference in perspective between people in embodiment and higher awareness, which has a long-term historical perspective.
What happens after the war?
It is clear that as difficult as the situation is in Ukraine right now, it will not last forever. It will not last indefinitely. It will not even last that much longer. There will come a point afterwards, where the fighting stops and the question is now: “How do we move on from here?” Well, this is what higher awareness is focused on by working with people in embodiment. Part of it is, as much as people are open, we work on healing their psychology so they are not pulled into a never-ending spiral of anger and blame. Higher awareness also works with people who are open to new ideas.
Higher awareness is working with many, many people in Ukraine, in Russia, in Belarus, in other nations around the world to bring into their minds the ideas that can help this situation move forward and bring the world at large and all the parties directly involved, closer to the Age of Higher Awareness. The Age of Higher Awareness is the ongoingness of a river and no matter what turbulence happens in the river, it is just turbulence and the river moves on. Obviously, it is difficult to grasp this perspective when you are in embodiment. But those of you who can grasp it, who are willing to open your minds to grasping it, well you can certainly receive a different perspective that can help you shift the way you look at and relate to the current situation.
The law of free will and the war in Ukraine
Some people tend to be into “magical thinking.” This is partly something that has been carried on, created, reinforced by traditional religions. There is this belief that there is this supernatural force that can come in and change things on earth. And many people over the millennia have believed in various god-like figures that supposedly had these supernatural abilities to intervene in human affairs and set things right. In higher awareness, you see that there are no such beings who can pull a rabbit out of a hat and suddenly set things right. And the reason for this is, first of all, that the absolute law for a planet like earth is free will. And you may say: “Well how is it the free will of the Ukrainians that they were attacked by Russia?” It is very simple.
Earth is a planet with a very low level of collective consciousness. This can be seen in how people treat each other. What that means is that the vast majority of people on earth can learn in only one way, and that is the School of Hard Knocks. There are two ways to learn. There is the School of Hard Knocks where you have physical events that are very difficult to ignore and therefore, they so to speak, force you to change your consciousness. Now you may say: “Is not this a violation of the law of free will?” It is not, because the physical events that happen to you are connected to your state of consciousness and the choices that you made in past lifetimes, even the choice of groups, large groups of people, even humanity as a whole.
The law of free will gives you the right to have any experience you want for as long as you want it but not forever, not indefinitely. There is a certain progression, there is even a certain progression on the entire planet, where more and more people have risen above the need to learn from the School of Hard Knocks at least in a direct way and they have become open to learning in the other ways that you can learn, which is primarily observing yourself and seeking some kind of inspiration from a source outside your own mind. This can be things on earth, teachings on earth. It can be spiritual and religious teachings, it can be directly from higher awareness, not necessarily as an outer teaching, but as an intuitive impulse inside your own mind. Many people are open to such impulses.
The pull on the collective consciousness
What is happening is that there is a raising of the collective consciousness and as a result of this, a pull is being created by those people who are raising their consciousness. That pull affects those at the lowest levels of consciousness who have not raised their consciousness as much as other people on the planet. They have not perhaps even started raising their consciousness, certainly not consciously. This means that as these people continue to stay in that lower state of consciousness, where they are, for example, willing to use force and violence against others, well, there is a complex movement created, where these people are having a faster return of what they are projecting out. And this causes these people to take actions that will more clearly demonstrate the shortcomings of their state of consciousness. In other words, those who are in the state of consciousness, where they believe violence is justified, will now be pulled into taking actions that are violent but that will also end up demonstrating the shortcomings of their state of consciousness and that violence can only lead to more violence and cannot actually lead to what these people want.
Inner contradictions
There is duality, where there are always two polarities. Now, you may say that in a dualistic struggle there are those who are fully committed to one duality such as communism and those who are fully committed to the opposite polarity such as capitalism. Those who are in this dualistic struggle, in the epic consciousness, they have two polarities in their own minds. In other words, they have deep contradictions in their own minds so they are divided, they are houses divided against themselves and as the rest of the people on earth raise their consciousness those houses cannot stand. That means that the empires they have built must crumble, but they must crumble in such a way that the people come to see the inconsistency in their own beliefs, in the viewpoints that they hold.
You can take a typical example of this from history. Nazi Germany had an ideology that presented the German people as the master race, the highest evolved group of people on earth. But what they did not see was that at the same time they had a very high level of brutality and willingness to use force and kill other people. What caused the German people to change after the Second World War? Well, the outer aspects of this was that they lost the war and therefore could not really maintain their view that they were the master race because how could the master race lose? The other was the exposure of the Holocaust and the very high level of inhumanity that this was an expression of. How could you actually be the most evolved race on earth and at the same time be willing to do this kind of brutality and inhumanity?
What you see here is very simple, namely that the German people by outer events were forced to acknowledge that they were holding two incompatible viewpoints. First of all, their own superiority and then their own inhumanity, their own lack of humanity demonstrated by their actions that were undeniable, at least for most of them. By being willing to snap out of this denial, where you do not see the incompatibilities in your own mind, the German people have been able to move forward. And you might say that there are still neo-Nazis in Germany, but a situation like Hitler could not happen again in Germany today or in the future. The German people have moved forward but how did they do it? The School of Hard Knocks—where their own actions led to consequences that forced them to confront the incompatibilities in their worldview, their self-image, seeing themselves as superior while being willing to commit some of the greatest acts of brutality in recent history.
So how do people learn on earth? Well, many people learn in this way only, through these hard knocks. This of course is exactly the situation of the Russian people today. Ukraine as a nation has taken on this task of demonstrating the inhumanity of the Russian people and the Russian government and it is being demonstrated in Ukraine every day. Where does that leave Ukraine? Why was it Ukraine that became the target of this? Well, partly because the Ukrainians as a people have some of that same consciousness. They have not freed themselves from the Soviet mindset as much as some of the other nations that were under the Soviet Union or the Warsaw Pact. What you see here is again this, that the Ukrainians are in the same situation of being forced to look at themselves: “Are we holding certain incompatible views in our worldview? Do we have two polarities that are completely opposite but we somehow have managed to ignore this, the contradictions, the incompatibilities?”
Being willing to look at yourself
The question here is, of course for both Ukraine, for Belarus and Russia: how many people will be willing to consider this? How many people will be willing to see this and transcend both of these dualistic polarities—see the incompatibility, let it go? And this is quite frankly the real mechanism, in fact almost the only mechanism that will determine the future of these nations, the amount of people that are willing to confront the incompatibilities in their viewpoints and therefore move forward. Higher awareness holds a vision that Ukraine will do this, that Ukraine will show an example of a nation who will be able to, willing to, look at itself and move forward. This mechanism is essential for understanding what has been happening in world history and what is happening today.
People in the School of Hard Knocks always hold viewpoints that are mutually incompatible, that are inconsistent. And this is what keeps them trapped in a particular situation, so that it seems impossible to change the equation. And only as they get over this unwillingness to look at themselves, will the equation in their nation shift and there will be progress. This is the only way that progress happens for countries who are at this state of being so trapped in the dualistic state of consciousness and the School of Hard Knocks. There are many countries around the world who have risen above this state but there are also many who have not. In a sense you could say that what you are seeing in this age is the struggle where those countries who have not risen above the incompatibilities are doing everything they can to hold on to that state of denial.
Antidemocratic “alliance”
You can see in Putin’s speeches, including his latest speech, that he is trying to create a new world order where Russia can continue to exist as he sees Russia. In other words, the Russia that Putin has created in his mind can continue to exist and perhaps even strengthen its position. And he thinks it can form an alliance with other nations who are at that same level of consciousness and they can then create this “coherent block” that will be able to challenge the West as he calls it. But what he does not grasp is that the West is not the enemy that he wants it to be because the West has largely transcended his level of consciousness. And therefore, the real opponents to his state of consciousness are the other countries that are at that same level.
He may think that he has a friendship with China, but that friendship is not a friendship, it is only based on China evaluating what is in China’s best interest, and the moment something is not in China’s best interest, he cannot count on them at all and it is the same with other states at this level of consciousness. They only look out for themselves. And why is this? Because in duality, when you go into one dualistic polarity, you are really saying to the cosmic mirror that you want the experience that you are right, you are superior, and there is an opponent who is wrong, who is inferior to you. This means that you must attract to yourself an opponent. But what opponent can you attract to yourself? Only an opponent who is at that same state of consciousness of duality. Well, in order to become a democratic nation, you have to transcend at least some of that level of consciousness. So who is your real opponent? It is the other nations that are just like yourself, and that you think you can form an alliance with to challenge the West, who has transcended your level of consciousness.
The accelerated return of karma
Now, of course, you can say at the physical level, Russia could attack the West and attack NATO. Of course, they could do so. But considering the limited success that the Russian armed forces have had in Ukraine, what would happen if they actually attacked NATO? Well, what would happen is the same that has happened in Ukraine, what has happened to the Russian military effort in Ukraine. You may say the Ukrainians have fought back better than anyone had expected. This is true. This is partly because they have not quite transcended that level of consciousness. You may say the West has supplied weapons, and therefore the West has involved itself in the conflict. And does that not mean that the West also has a certain level of dualistic consciousness? But does it? Because what happens is, when you attack someone who has a higher level of consciousness than you have, your karmic return is much more immediate and actually accelerated. The higher the level of consciousness of the people you attack, the more accelerated your karmic return will be.
This is a very delicate consideration. You would say that ideally, if someone has transcended the dualistic level of consciousness, it should not be possible for them to be attacked by someone in the dualistic state of consciousness. Many people have reasoned this way. Many spiritual people have reasoned this way. The flaw in that line of reasoning is that Jesus was still imprisoned, tortured and crucified by the dualistic authorities, even though he had transcended the dualistic state of consciousness. In the physical octave on a planet like earth, there is no spiritual force who can prevent people from making free will choices (however free they are) to attack others. This is going back to the magical thinking of the supernatural force that can prevent you from being attacked. This cannot happen on a planet like earth.
Free will must be allowed to outplay itself, and therefore it is possible that a nation in the dualistic state of consciousness can attack a nation that has transcended the dualistic state of consciousness. But when they do so, the karmic return will be much more immediate and it will be accelerated and that is why you see here, that even though you may say that the Ukrainians have fought back and that the West has given them weapons, the reality is that the armed forces of Russia have destroyed themselves. They have sent out a karmic impulse and what they have sent out has been reflected back to them, and this is what has caused the chaotic situation you see in Ukraine.
The shift of the equation in Russia
When Putin decided to invade Ukraine, he stopped the cycle where higher awareness was trying to help the Russian people gradually raise their consciousness. He simply stopped that cycle and he took an irreversible decision that ended that cycle. This means what? This means that the Russian people can only shift their consciousness through the School of Hard Knocks and they now have to become hard enough for them to overcome this denial, this unwillingness to look at the incompatibilities in their view of themselves. You have a dynamic that is not exactly the same as the Germans in the 1930s, but you still have many Russians who want to see Russia as a great nation. But when you look at the atrocities committed by this great nation in Ukraine against civilians, women and children, where is the compatibility there? How can a great nation do something like this?
Most Russians have not realized it because they have been prevented from knowing, but this is the only possible outcome—that the Russian people are confronted with this incompatibility in their worldview. And how is this going to happen? Well, how did it happen with the Germans? Exactly how this plays out is, of course, something that cannot be predicted. But it is clear that this is the only thing that can now shift the equation in Russia and bring Russia on a positive track towards the golden age.
The new reality for Ukraine
Higher awareness is looking at: “How can we move Russia forward towards the golden age”? And of course, the same with Belarus and Ukraine and this depends on people’s willingness to look at the incompatibilities in their worldview because it is this incompatibility that prevents people from grasping the vision for the Age of Higher Awareness for that nation.
How is the Age of Higher Awareness in Ukraine going to manifest? There have to be people in Ukraine who can tune in to higher awareness. They can receive some idea, one person receives one idea, another receives another idea, and they all start coming together and saying: “What can we do now? Now that our situation has forever been changed by this war, how can we move forward? How can we do now what we were not able or willing to do before the war because our perspective has shifted? What is the new reality of Ukraine as a nation? And how can we move forward as a nation?“ The same, of course, for Belarus, for Russia, for any other nation for that matter.
Nothing can remain the same
What are the European nations doing right now? If you could see what is happening in the collective consciousness of European nations, you will see how they are reevaluating their worldview, especially their view of Russia, their view of energy and the energy situation. They are looking at: “How can we change this?” They are not thinking about: “How can we punish the Russians? How can we defeat Russia? How can we wipe Russia from the map?” They are looking at: “How can we move forward now that we can see that we cannot count on Russia for our energy supply? And that we, for that matter, cannot really count on Russia as a nation we can deal with, the same way we deal with each other.” Again, the progress that will happen there is a matter of these people’s willingness to look at the incompatibilities in their viewpoints. The democratic nations need to reevaluate how they deal with nations that are not democratic and that are in fact attacking democracy as an institution, as a process.
Higher awareness has a certain empathy with the people who are suffering. That empathy is, of course, extended to the people in Ukraine, the soldiers of Ukraine, but equally to the people and soldiers of Russia. Higher awareness is not nationalistic. It does not discriminate based on nationality, race, religion, or any other of the human characteristics that human beings use to discriminate against each other. It only looks at: “How can we help everyone? How can we raise up everyone?” Sometimes, the School of Hard Knocks must be allowed to work so that people get the knocks that are hard enough to awaken them to the need to change, to change themselves and the way they look at life.
With the invasion of Ukraine, the entire situation of Russia has fundamentally changed. Russia cannot remain the same after this. The Russian government and leadership may try to prevent change, the Russian people may resist change, but this was an irreversible step and Russia cannot remain the same. It may take time, but Russia cannot remain the same. Neither can Ukraine, neither can Belarus, neither can Europe, neither can the United States, neither can China or Iran.
Why have these protests started in Iran at this time? Well, are there Iranian drones being used in Ukraine? There is a karmic return on the government that allowed this to happen. Again, you see this outplayed around the world, time and time again. In fact, one must say, how can anyone look at world events and deny the law of karma? This is surely an incompatibility that must be dealt with at some point.